For show, agility, obedience, coursing...or just to love
"Kudo's" PageKwabo ("welcome") to our new African import, "Kudo" !"Kudo" comes from Benin in West Africa. He is from the village of Lissegazoun, which is 5 miles from Allada in the province of north Atlantique. He was brought to the United States in July 2004 by Robert Dean as part of the Avuvi Project. He was located by former Peace Corps volunteer Chris Starace and his Beninese friend, Nestor Djossou, and shipped with his sister, "Honey", and four other puppies to the United States via France. (Susan Patterson, who owns "Honey", details their journey on the Calypso Basenjis website). "Kudo" means "good" in Fon, which is the language of "Kudo's" native area in Benin. His official name is "Avuvi Enagnon" ("Avuvi" meaning "little dog" and "Enagnon"--or "E na enyo"--meaning "It will be good"). Chris has a great website on Benin and the Fon language at Fon is fun! "Kudo" (2nd pup from left) and friends with Nestor in Allada
After being quarantined at Robert's house for 5 weeks, "Kudo" and his friends caused quite a stir when they made their debut at the BCOA National Specialty African Exhibition in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Although they were initially somewhat overwhelmed by the big building and all the dogs and people, by the end of the show, "Kudo" (then known as "George") was confidently walking around greeting people. Kudo's Photo Album
Adapting to his new environment... "Kudo" (Nov '04) in one of his favorite poses on the couch. He seems to have decided that this beats the heck out of a hole in the dirt.
"Kudo" is a daddy! As a part of the Avuvi Project, "Kudo" and his sister "Honey" produced a litter of 3 red girls and 1 red boy, born November 16, 2006. Watch for pictures and links.