• What do all
the abbreviations mean?
Titles and acronyms: What do all the
letters mean?
AKC: The American Kennel Club.
Organization promoting purebred dogs. Registers purebred dogs,
sanctions clubs and events, and offers titles in conformation,
obedience, lure-coursing, and agility (as well as other events not
open to basenjis).
Am.Ch.: American Champion. Same as
Ch.--used with foreign-titled dogs.
ASFA: The American Sighthound Field Association.
The oldest organization in the United States that sanctions
lure-coursing events and offers titles.
AX: Agility Excellent: Third AKC
agility qualification title.
AXJ: Agility Excellent Jumper:
Third AKC agility jumpers-with-weaves qualification
BIF: Best in Field (lure
BIS: Best in Show
BISS: Best in Specialty Show
(conformation--not all breeds)
BOTB: Turkey Run "Best of the Best"--top
dog all breeds of the 4-day coursing competition. CD: Companion Dog. First AKC
obedience qualification title.
CDX: Companion Dog Excellent.
Second AKC obedience qualification title.
Ch.: Champion. AKC conformation
DC: Dual Champion. AKC for dogs
who hold both FC and Ch. titles.
FC: Field Champion. First AKC
lure-coursing championship title.
F.Ch.: Field Champion. First ASFA
lure-cousing championship title.
HIT: High in Trial. Highest
scoring dog, obedience).
Int.Ch.: International Champion.
FCI or UCI international conformation championship.
JC: Junior Courser. First AKC
lure-coursing qualification title.
LCM: Lure Courser of Merit. Second
ASFA lure-coursing championship title.
MBIF: Multiple Besti in Field
(lure coursing).
MBIS: Multiple Best in Show
MC: Master Courser: Third AKC
lure-coursing qualification title.
NA: Novice Agility. First AKC
agility qualification title.
NAJ: Novice Agility Jumper. First
AKC agility junpers-with-weaves qualification title.
OA: Open Agility. Second AKC
agility qualification title.
OAJ: Open Agility Jumper. Second
AKC agility jumpers-with-weaves qualification title.
SC: Senior Courser. Second AKC
lure-coursing qualification title.
TD: Tracking Dog. First AKC
tracking qualification title.
TDX: Tracking Dog Excellent:
Second AKC tracking qualification title.
TRC: Turkey Run Continuum: the
highest scoring dog of each breed in the prestigious 4-day coursing
event. UD: Utility Dog. Third AKC
obedience qualification title.
UDT: Utility Dog Tracker. AKC
title for dogs with both UD and TD titles.
• When do
you have puppies available?
Basenjis usually come in season only once a
year, so most basenji puppies are born in November, December, and
January, although we occasionally have a spring or summer litter. Due to vaccination schedules and early
socialization/training regimens, our puppies usually stay with us
until they are at least 10 weeks old.
Prospective owners with reservations generally may
pick their puppies at 8 weeks--in the order in which their deposits
were made.
• What kind
of health testing is done on your dogs?
All of our puppies are screened by a
veterinary opthalmologist at 7-8 weeks of age to check for
persistent pupillary membrane (PPM) and coloboma. Each year, we also have our older dogs (5 and above) checked for
progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). Our breeding stock is x-rayed for
hip dysplasia after they reach 2 years of age, and all dogs are
screened for Fanconi syndrome bi-monthly from the time they are 3
years old. Our breeding stock is clear of hemolytic anemia (by
direct testing or by
heredity). Beginning in 2007, all of our dogs will be tested using
the new
genetic linkage marker test for Fanconi Syndrome. Carriers
will only be bred to Clears, insuring that no Fanconi-afflicted dogs
will be produced while we are awaiting the development of a direct
test. Our dogs' health results are listed on the
OFA on-line database
and in the
Canine Phenome Project database. Both databases have their
challenges, so please remember that we will provide certification
numbers and documentation on all our dogs. |